Project Know-how Coaching


Cogent Language 



We Coach Early Career Professionals 


By Our Project Know-how Panorama

  • For self-directed, visual, double-loop learning of project know-how

  • A pre-built, big picture model of today's global practice  

  • 6 Communities, 8 Team Purposes, 80+ Key Constructs

  • Editable, infinite canvas, for growing know-how, from your workplace, at your own pace, for your career

  • Guidelines and guardrails for acquiring know-how via AI

  • Included with all of our coaching programs below

By Our Blog "Project Constructs"

  • Video library of project constructs, the "seeds" of project know-how
  • Each post links a video to one construct. 
  • Easy to use, by itself or with our panorama above.  
    • What use is it? To craft video playlists for your own know-how, to get anwers to your questions, and to "grow your own", conveniently.
    • How easy is it? Click the link below and check out the home page tag cloud  Create a video playlist for any project construct by one click.
    • In two (2) clicks from the blog menus, create video playlists by team purpose and/or by community of practice. 
  • How much is it? It is free. Because we always love early career professionals and accidental project managers.
Show the Blog

By Our Friendly, Expert Coach

  • 30 years experience, 10 with Fortune #1 firm, coaching early career professionals in 12+ countries
  • Stanford Phi Beta Kappa (neighbor of Steve Jobs); MA, MS, MEd, PMP since 2007
  • Individual coaching available (on each assignment in our "Building Basic Project Know-how" course below)


Meet the Coach

By Our Group Coaching Programs in Basic Project Know-how


No textbooks, no cookie-cutter frameworks
No slide decks, no talking-head videos 
Situated, experiential learning
Case studies, coaching, and collaboration

Exploring Basic Project Know-how

SKU E104

  • Your Own Project Know-how Panorama
  • 20 Contact Hours
  • Case Study Led by PMP Coach
  • No Pressure, No Graded Assignments
  • Access to All Class Content
  • AI Tools, Guidelines and Guardrails
  • Opportunities to Collaborate
  • "Growing Project Know-how" Online Community



Building Basic Project Know-how

SKU B104

  • Your Own Project Know-how Panorama
  • 20 Contact Hours
  • Case Study Led by PMP Coach
  • Small class size (12 max.)
  • Individual Coaching on Each Assignment
  • AI Tools, Guidelines and Guardrails
  • Opportunities to Collaborate
  • "Growing Project Know-how" Online Community
  • Eligibility for Certificate of Completion
  • Up to 20 Claimable PDU's 

By These Principles

We Value

  • Coaching
  • Project know-how (knowledge in the head, heart, and hands)
  • Self-directed, systemic, life-long learning 
  • Growing know-how from the workplace via global communities of practice
  • Action research cycles, informed by AI

More Than We Value

  • Training
  • Project constructs (knowledge in the head)
  • Other-directed learning, confined to current or local constructs 
  • Reliance on cookie-cutter frameworks
  • Learning only by AI, slide decks, textbooks, talking-head videos, etc.