Our Blog
= Your Project Know-how Video Library
Here is another way Cogent Language helps “Grow your own” project know-how. Our blog “Project Constructs” curates links to a big library of videos. These are mostly short, third party videos that we have selected for their high quality.
The blog is clearly organized and quick to use.
- What use is it? To craft video playlists for your own know-how, to get anwers to your questions, and to "grow your own", conveniently.
- How quick is it? Check out the blue tag cloud on the home page of the blog below. By one click in it, you can create a playlist by project construct. In two (2) clicks from the menus, you can create playlists by team purpose and by community of practice.
- How much is it? It is free. Because we always love early career professionals and accidental project managers. And because we appreciate and wish to recognize quality project video and its makers